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How to Save Gmail as PDF

May 14 2024

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Learn how to convert Gmail messages to PDFs online and on mobile devices. Our guide provides you with steps and tips on working with your new Gmail PDF.

Emails are an indispensable part of our daily lives. And despite emails being automatically saved in your inbox, there will be times when you’ll need to save the most important emails.

If you’re digging up important discussion threads, payment confirmations, or agreements sent in an email message, you’ll want to convert Gmail to PDF documents that are more official.

Looking for an easy way to turn email into PDF? Keep reading! We’ll cover what you need, including how to:

  • Save Gmail as PDF
  • Save Gmail as PDF on mobile 
  • Work with Gmail PDFs online

So let’s get started!

How to save Gmail as PDF

Saving a Gmail message is simple and can be done from anywhere you can access your Gmail account online. Follow the steps below:

1. Go into your Gmail account.

2. Select and open the email you want to save as a PDF.

3. You can then choose either option:

  • Click on the three vertical dots in the top-right corner and select Print.
  • Click on the Printer icon the appears next to the subject line of the email.

4. Select Save as PDF and adjust any settings you want for your PDF.

5. Click on Save to download email as PDF to your device.

Saving Gmail as PDF

With your email as a PDF, you can now document, record, and archive important emails for future, legal, or personal reference.

Not only that, but a PDF file lets you share and access your email information offline and with others. It’s the perfect way to lock down and save the content you need.

How to save multiple Gmail emails to PDF

Naturally, you may be wondering how to save multiple email messages at the same time. Unfortunately, you can’t.

While Gmail offered this functionality before, it has since been removed. The only option is to save your emails one by one.

How to save Gmail emails with attachments to PDF

When the email you have has attachments, the PDF you generate won’t include the file attachment itself.

The resulting PDF will simply be a copy of the email, showing the attachments displayed with the message.

So, you’ll first have to first download the attached files to your device and then save the email as a PDF using the steps above to extract both the email and attachments.

How to save Gmail as PDF on mobile

The steps to save Gmail email as PDF on your mobile device follows the same type of method that uses the Print functionality. Here’s a look:

1. Go into your Gmail app on your phone.

2. Open the message you wish to save as a PDF.

3. Tap on the 3 vertical dots in the email at the top. Select Print.

4. In the drop-down menu, select Save as PDF and tap on the yellow PDF button to select a location.

5. Tap on Done.

Saving Gmail email as PDF on mobile

With your email in PDF format, you can now focus on the bigger PDF tasks on hand.

Work with PDF emails online with Xodo

Oftentimes, your work won’t stop at simply saving your email as a PDF. You’ll more than likely need to perform a task or two on the PDF file itself. For any additional tasks for your new PDF, you can use Xodo.

Xodo is our online PDF suite that comes with several tools that make working with your PDFs easier. Check out our Xodo guides and see what you can do with your new Gmail PDF:

Start streamlining your email workflow

Now that you've learned how to convert Gmail to PDF, documents, you can ensure that your messages can be preserved and accessible.

Combine that with any of Xodo’s 30+ PDF tools and you can accomplish almost any task needed online or on your mobile device.

Use Xodo to streamline your document workflow with your emails with ease. Give Xodo a try today!

Explore Xodo Tools
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Reena Cruz

PDF Productivity Expert

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