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How to Translate PDF Files Using Free Online Tools

Jun 27 2023


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4.5 min


Online Tools


MS Word

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4.5 min

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Do you have a lot of PDF documents that need translation?

Here’s the easiest ways to translate PDF content for free with the following tools:

  • Google Docs
  • Google Translate
  • MS Office 365

But first, in order to translate a PDF document, you must convert the file to Word with Xodo’s online PDF to Word tool.

Translate a PDF file using Microsoft Word online

To convert your PDF to an MS Word document, follow the steps below:

1. Go to Xodo’s free PDF to Word Converter.

2. Upload your PDF either from your device, Xodo Drive, or Google Drive, and Dropbox.

3. Click on Convert to start the PDF to Word conversion.

An English PDF file uploaded to Xodo's online PDF to Word converter

4. Download the converted Word document to your device.

You can translate PDF in Microsoft Word from your desktop, but you can also keep things online and translate the text by using MS Word Online when you’re using Office 365. Here’s how:

1. Open your converted Word file in Office 365and click on the Review tab.

2. Click on the Translate dropdown menu and click on Translate Document.

Translation options in MS Word online

3. You’ll see the window pop up on the right-hand side. Select the language you want to translate the document to.

Translation language options in MS Word online

4. Click the Translate button. Your file will open in your selected translation language.

5. Work on the file and then save a copy by clicking Edit. Microsoft will save your file and then open it in the Word Online app for you to work on.

English text translated to French in MS Word online

Translate a PDF file using Google Translate

Google Translate is easily accessible, free, and simple to use. You already know how the tool works – paste your text into the interface, select your language, and Google automatically provides you with the translated text.

Follow these steps:

1. In Google Translate, click on the Document button.

2. Click on the Browse your computer button. Select and open your file to upload it.

3. Select the current language of your PDF (choose the Detect Language button) and then the language you wish to translate it into.

4. Click on the Translate button to start the process.

A French PDF file uploaded for translation in Google Translate

5. When the translation is done, click on the Download Translation button to save the PDF to your computer.

English Google translation results of French text

A Note on Google Translate Limitations

The translation is good enough for professional documents, such as legal documents, business contracts, and print publication material.

However, this translation method doesn’t support scanned PDF text – only native or electronically generated PDFs. A workaround is to convert your scanned PDF to Word first and then use the first procedure above using MS Word Online.

Additionally, you can translate only PDF files that are up to 10 MB in size. One solution is to split PDF documents into smaller files first and then translate each one individually.

Translate a PDF file using Google Docs

If your PDF document is already uploaded in your Google Drive, you can directly translate it using Google Docs: 

1. Login to your account and go to Google Drive.

2. Right-click on the PDF you want to translate and choose Open with > Google Docs.

Opening a PDF in Google Drive with Google Docs

3. Click on the Tools tab and choose Translate document.

Accessing the Translate document option in Google Docs

4. In the popup window, select the language you want to translate to and optionally rename the file.

5. Click on the Translate button.

Selecting the Spanish translation language output in Google Docs

The translated document will show up in another tab and be saved to your Google Drive. You can edit the translated document as required. 

French text in Google Doc translated into Spanish

Just remember, these translation tools are just a guide - always have someone review these translations as well to ensure they are communicating your messages across!

Learn more about Xodo’s online document tools

Your online productivity doesn’t have to stop there. Keep working on your PDFs with over 30 of Xodo’s free online PDF tools, which include, but aren’t limited to, PDF editing, annotating, merging, converting, and viewing your PDFs!

See how our advanced document tools can fit into your workflow. Let Xodo Pro help you get started on translating your PDF files.

Explore All Xodo Tools
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