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How to Translate PDFs Using Microsoft Word

Jul 4 2023

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MS Word

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Translating PDF text is easier than you think!

Did you know you can easily translate PDF using online tools or simply translate it into English with just Xodo and Microsoft Word from your desktop?

Here’s a quick tip and feature not everyone may be aware of:

Use MS Word to translate your PDF 

First, you’ll need to convert your PDF to Word. If you don’t have a PDF converter installed, you can easily do this with Xodo’s online PDF to Word converter, as follows:

1. Go to Xodo’s free PDF to Word converter.

2. Upload your PDF either from your device, Xodo Drive, or Google Drive, and Dropbox.

Uploading a PDF for conversion in Xodo PDF to MS Word

3. Click on the Convert button to start the conversion.

4. Save the file to your device.

After you’re done with the conversion, open your converted file in Microsoft Word. Then follow these steps:

1. Go to the Review tab and go to the Language section. In the Translate drop down menu, select the Translate Document.

Translation options in MS Word

2. In the Translator Language Options dialog, select the document translation language you need (for this example, we chose from English to French).

3. In the side bar that pops up, select your document’s original document language and then the language you want to translate to, then click on the Translate button.

Accessing the translation language options in MS Word

The document will open in the translation language you chose:

French translation results of an MS Word document

4. To save the translated document, save the document to your computer.

Use MS Word to Translate Specific Parts of Your PDF 

You can choose to translate only specific sections of your PDF, such as a sentence or paragraph.

1. Go to the Review tab and go to the Language section. Choose Translate Selection option in the Translate drop-down menu.

2. Select your languages the same way as you did above.

Translating a section of text in the MS Word desktop app

3. Click on Insert to confirm the translation. Microsoft Word will translate and modify only the specified text in the document

Just remember, these translation tools are just a guide - always have someone review these translations as well to ensure they are communicating your messages across!

Get more work done on the spot with Xodo 

Did you find this tool tip handy? Check out what other quick tools Xodo has to offer!

There are more than 30 free PDF tools for all industries available to keep your PDF work going– PDF editing, annotating, merging, converting, and viewing your PDFs, just to name a few!

Try the PDF translation tips in MS Word above by starting with Xodo tools online!

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Reena Cruz

PDF Productivity Expert

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