New: Scan Anytime, Anywhere with Xodo Mobile Scanner

Sept 21 2023

Mobile PDF

Sanity Image

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Exciting news! Xodo just got better with the launch of our brand-new mobile scanning feature!

If you ever need a document ready to roll in an instant, Xodo Mobile’s new scanning feature lets you do just that – turn physical documents into digital copies directly on your mobile device.

And it's not just about scanning; it's about enhancing your PDF and digital document experience on the go. Think editing, annotating, and organizing your scanned docs with the same Xodo mobile app you know and love.

If you're ready to supercharge your mobile document game and take a big step towards a paperless office, download the app on Android or iOS and keep reading. We're about to walk you through the wonders of our new scanning app. Try it out for yourself as we cover the basics including a step-by-step guide to get you started.

Before we start, be sure to update your Xodo app now to get the feature, or if you still don’t have it - download the Xodo app on Android or iOS.

Now let’s take a deep dive into how you can turn your phone into a document scanner!

How to scan a document on your phone with Xodo 

With new scanning capabilities, transforming physical documents into digital copies is as simple as snapping a pic. First, open the Xodo app on your device. Then follow these steps:

1. Access the mobile scanner feature from either the Xodo mobile Home page or the Actions page. Both icons are located at the bottom of the screen.

2. Then position your device camera over the paper document you want to scan.

3. Tap on the shutter button or let the auto-shutter take the picture for you.

4. Decide whether or not you want to Retake or Keep Scan by tapping on either option. You can also crop the image before deciding.

5. If you decide to keep the scan, tap on the Save button that appears. Your document image will then open in the Scan interface where you can further adjust it with the Scan app features below. 

Before you dive in, make all the needed adjustments on your scan before saving the file. Tapping the Save button in the interface will lock down your changes into a document in your device.

Features to enhance your productivity on the go

Because you’re working to create electronic versions of hard copies, there are extra bells and whistles specifically for dealing with and scanning your documents. 

From taking a picture of the physical document to fine-tuning the digitized version, Xodo mobile offers up everything you need. Below is a look at these features with images of both iOS (left) and Android (right). 

Use the Auto-shutter feature to properly capture your documents

The auto-shutter is an advanced feature that can auto detect the document boundaries and snap a quick picture of the document. The functionality helps ensure that the image of your digital document accurately captures the original hard copy. All you need to do is point your device camera at the document and Xodo will start taking pictures.

Xodo’s mobile Auto-shutter feature

Filter your captured scans for better document images

If you’re looking to get a higher-quality scan, you can adjust the provided filters for better image representation. Choose from Color, Grayscale, Black and While or Original (Android) / Photo (iOS) filters. Toggle through each one to see which filter provides the best rendition of your document.

Xodo Mobile Scanner filters applied to scanned document

Crop your document for precise digital documents

For documents that’ll need some tailoring, Xodo Mobile’s cropping feature comes into play. Tap on the Crop icon and start individually dragging the corners of the frame to adjust the boundary of the pictured document for better positioning. This can eliminate empty space, wide margins, or blank areas for a clear-cut digital version of your content.

A scanned document being cropped in Xodo Mobile Scanner App

Rotate pages as you scan

Once you have your document digitized, you can rotate the pages to have all your content set to the orientation you need. Just tap on the Rotate icon in the interface until the page is oriented as needed.

Rotate pages option in Xodo Mobile Scanner App

Text recognition (OCR)

In addition to turning paper documents into digital ones, the Xodo mobile scanner can even turn your scanned pages into content that's searchable. To do this, simply turn on the OCR by checking the Recognize text (OCR) box at the bottom of the screen. 

OCR option in Xodo Mobile Scanner App

Rearrange pages

When creating a scan of your hard copy document, you can also start in on manipulating your file by rearranging the order of the pages by dragging them where you need them in the file. Quickly get your digital documents in order before you even start working on them.

Scanned document pages rearranged in Xodo Mobile Scanner App

The Xodo mobile scanning advantage

Scanning your documents is just the first step in a power-packed mobile workflow. You can start scanning and storing business documents such as:

  • Contracts
  • Receipts
  • Invoices
  • IDs
  • Meeting Materials
  • Written Notes

Think of the productivity possibilities:

With Xodo’s mobile scanner app, you, as a student, can quickly digitize handwritten class notes, printed study materials, and textbook pages. Streamline your study sessions, by accessing and searching for specific information with ease, ultimately boosting how you prep for long study sessions.

If you’re archiving documents for the office, scanning copies with Xodo mobile can swiftly convert paper documents into digital formats. You can ensure secure storage, easy retrieval, minimize physical clutter, and enhance your company’s overall efficiency and organization in one go.

A mobile scanner app like Xodo can even simplify invoice processing by allowing you to quickly scan and digitize paper invoices on the go. Doing so expedites the entire invoicing workflow, from receipt to payment, reducing manual data entry and associated errors.

Ready to scan on the go? Just whip out your device, scan away, and you've got a pristine digital copy right at your fingertips!

Your Feedback Matters: Share Your Experience

If you're a student, a pro hustling on-the-go, or just someone who prefers their mobile as their trusty sidekick, we're here to make your life easier. 

Give the scanner feature a try and let us know about your thoughts and experiences over a tour Feedback and Support Portal.

Xodo Mobile is in app stores right now. Download them today and start your productivity boost from anywhere!

Sanity Image

Reena Cruz

PDF Productivity Expert

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